(998) 496 2090 info@yachtingincancun.com



A once in a lifetime experience that will leave you with unforgettable memories. The freedom of navigating the sea, the tranquility of the natural environment and the comfort and luxury of the boat itself will give you an incomparable experience. This is just renting one of our Catamaran to celebrate a great event with up to 55 guests. Wedding, bachelorette party, anniversary or friendly gathering - every occasion will be great.

It is an unbeatable option for a private tour to Isla Mujeres, both for its ability to transport a large group, and for having a large celebration on board.

Imagine going out surrounded by family and friends to relax on the North Beach of Isla Mujeres or celebrate an event far from the city in the middle of the tranquility of the Cancun sea while the sun goes down and the clouds are painted orange.

Induna Rates

Induna Features

Featured amenities

Induna have with

Max guests

Induna is ideal for up to 75 guests

Overall lenght

Induna have an overall lenght of 68 ft

Rental hours

Induna can be rented from 4 hours up to hours


  • Open Bar
  • snorkeling equipment

Not Includes

  • Dock Fee
You wish to charter Induna

Use this form to request detailed information about the rental of Induna, one of our consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

You can also use any of the following means to request additional information and/or resolve doubts about this vessel.

Call us (998) 496 2090
Whatsapp (998) 496 2090
Write us info@yachtingincancun.com