(998) 496 2090 info@yachtingincancun.com



Excellent boat for a medium group. It has a very nice interior, seats in the back and a net in the bow to recline. If you are looking for the best activities in Cancun, sailing on a Tour to Isla Mujeres aboard the Malube is the best option.

Our 40-foot Malube, with a capacity of up to 30 passengers, will be ideal for a meeting with friends and family, everyone will navigate comfortably and with an excellent environment to enjoy.

Malube Rates

Malube Features

Featured amenities

Malube have with

Max guests

Malube is ideal for up to 30 guests

Overall lenght

Malube have an overall lenght of 40 ft

Rental hours

Malube can be rented from 4 hours up to hours


  • Open Bar
  • snorkeling equipment

Not Includes

  • Dock Fee
You wish to charter Malube

Use this form to request detailed information about the rental of Malube, one of our consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

You can also use any of the following means to request additional information and/or resolve doubts about this vessel.

Call us (998) 496 2090
Whatsapp (998) 496 2090
Write us info@yachtingincancun.com