(998) 496 2090 info@yachtingincancun.com

Lady Caroline


LADY CAROLINE, there are incredible places to visit in the sea of ​​Isla Mujeres, and what better way to do it than sailing through the crystalline waters of the Caribbean Sea on a catamaran that will ensure that you have the best day of your life.

And if there is something certain, it is that this Catamaran is one of the most recommended options, with 43 feet high and with all the amenities that are needed to have a good time in comfort and good taste, there will be many reasons why you will not want to get off, having fun is your only option, book now!

Lady Caroline Rates

Lady Caroline Features

Featured amenities

Lady Caroline have with

Max guests

Lady Caroline is ideal for up to 35 guests

Overall lenght

Lady Caroline have an overall lenght of 43 ft

Rental hours

Lady Caroline can be rented from 4 hours up to hours


  • Open Bar
  • snorkeling equipment

Not Includes

  • Dock Fee
You wish to charter Lady Caroline

Use this form to request detailed information about the rental of Lady Caroline, one of our consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

You can also use any of the following means to request additional information and/or resolve doubts about this vessel.

Call us (998) 496 2090
Whatsapp (998) 496 2090
Write us info@yachtingincancun.com