(998) 496 2090 info@yachtingincancun.com

Luv Cats


Shine in the Caribbean Sea amid the variety of colors of the landscape aboard our “Luv Cats” with a private boat tour to Isla Mujeres. Clear blue water and white sand, snorkeling under the guidance of an experienced team, and an open bar will make for an amazing day.

Sail to Isla Mujeres and enjoy the beautiful shades of the Caribbean Sea that lighten, darken and take you to paradise. You will love how this catamaran lies on the waves of the turquoise sea.

Spend a pleasant day with your family and friends in the comfortable covered outdoor room, have fun and admire the beautiful view from its wide deck or relax and sunbathe on its trampolines located at the bow. A unique experience!

Luv Cats Rates

Luv Cats Features

Featured amenities

Luv Cats have with

Max guests

Luv Cats is ideal for up to 55 guests

Overall lenght

Luv Cats have an overall lenght of 53 ft

Rental hours

Luv Cats can be rented from 4 hours up to hours


  • Open Bar
  • snorkeling equipment

Not Includes

  • Dock Fee
You wish to charter Luv Cats

Use this form to request detailed information about the rental of Luv Cats, one of our consultants will contact you as soon as possible.

You can also use any of the following means to request additional information and/or resolve doubts about this vessel.

Call us (998) 496 2090
Whatsapp (998) 496 2090
Write us info@yachtingincancun.com